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Managing users and their permissions for your Compensation Review
Managing users and their permissions for your Compensation Review

Learn how to set up and manage reviewer permissions, including account access, analytics visibility, and budget control.

Updated over a week ago

The Reviewers page in the Compensation Review configuration allows you to manage all users involved in your compensation review process. Here, you can set up accounts, control access to analytics, and manage budget visibility for each reviewer.

Account management

  • View the list of all reviewers involved in your compensation review

  • Check the account status of each reviewer

  • Invite reviewers who don't yet have a Figures account

Ensure all reviewers have active Figures accounts before the review starts.

Analytics visibility

  • Grant or restrict access to aggregated review data

  • Enables reviewers to see metrics like promotion rates, average increases by gender, country, or business unit

  • Typically given to top management for oversight and ensuring fairness

Budget visibility

  • Control whether reviewers can see their allocated budget

  • Useful for managing small teams where budget visibility might be too constraining

Exceptional bonus permission

If you've included exceptional bonuses in your compensation items, you can grant reviewers the ability to allocate these bonuses

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