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Customising employee eligibility for compensation review
Customising employee eligibility for compensation review

How to select and tailor employee eligibility for compensation reviews

Alexis Toyane avatar
Written by Alexis Toyane
Updated over a week ago

Selecting the right candidates for compensation review is crucial in any organisation. Our eligibility selection page offers a seamless way to determine which employees are included in your compensation review process.

Overview of Eligibility Selection

In our system, all employees are initially marked as eligible for compensation review. However, you can easily customise this by selecting or deselecting employees on the provided list. This flexibility ensures that only relevant employees are considered, aligning the review process with your organisational policies.

Using Eligibility Criteria Quick Filter

To streamline the process, our system includes a quick filter based on hire date. This is particularly useful for excluding employees hired after a specific date, a common criterion in compensation reviews. Here’s how to apply this filter:

  1. Set the desired date to filter out employees hired after it.

  2. Click on Apply

  3. The system will update the list, marking these employees as ineligible.

Individual Employee Eligibility

You might need to make exceptions for certain employees, like those who recently received a promotion. To adjust eligibility on an individual basis:

  1. Go to the list of employees on the eligibility page.

  2. Find and check the employees you want to update.

  3. Click on the Make eligible / Make ineligible button depending on the change you want to perform.

  4. This action will immediately reflect in their eligibility status.

Leveraging Additional Fields for Eligibility

For more specific eligibility criteria, use our Additional Fields feature. For instance, if you want to exclude employees based on a unique criterion like their favourite Kinder chocolate, follow these steps:

  1. Import a file with employee data, including their favourite Kinder, using the Additional Fields import feature.

  2. On the eligibility selection page, access the filter options.

  3. Select the additional field (e.g., 'Favourite Kinder') from the dropdown.

  4. Choose the specific criteria (e.g., 'Kinder Egg') to apply the filter.

  5. Check all employees matching this filter and make them ineligible.

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